Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Introduction to the Courses: Asians and North Americans in Public Discourse (ASC 300)

Introduction to the Courses:
Asians and North Americans in Public Discourse


      這堂課主要在探討從歷史上到今日「中國」在西方中的形象揭露。老師姓「孔」,是說話有濃厚北京腔調的中國人,也是至聖先師孔子的後代!課堂上很多華僑,許多東方面孔說著流利的 英文,討論地卻是深入的歷史議題。老師每個星期會給學生非常多的閱讀材料並 要求寫書摘。因為題材牽涉中西方的歷史議題,閱讀篇章有許多艱深的詞彙。舉例來說,我們要讀馬可波羅和利瑪竇的原文,還有連中文版都不太好讀懂的薩依德「東方主義」英文版。為此,老師在開學的第一堂課就先做了一次測驗,拿一篇討論中國經濟發展的期刊文章要求學生摘要、分析並評論。若是作答無法通過老師的標準,那就會被老師強制退選。

Orientalism written by Edward Said

      在作答的時候,旁邊的加拿大人神速的看完後就咻咻的奮筆疾書,而我卻才剛看完一半。我狂冒冷汗,希望不要被退選,要不然改選其他課會非常的麻煩, 交換學生也可能已經錯過機會選擇比較好的課了。交卷時,一題我寫了五行字, 我偷瞄旁邊的老外寫了十行。老師只告訴大家,「如果未達標準,過兩天會用電 子郵件通知你退選」。接下來兩天我都抱著等死的心態開郵件信箱,但也都沒有老師寄來的消息,我就這樣以五行字通過了老師的標準。下星期繼續去上課,本來三十多人只剩下二十五人,也不知道他們是自己退選還是被老師退掉了。

ASC300 的資格考使我非常緊張!


     這堂課從東方主義開始,介紹媒體的傳播其實包含許多不確實的資訊,也間 接影響西方世界觀察世界其他地區的角度。西方人對世界的認知可能是從本位主 義出發而扭曲的形象。接下來我們閱讀從西元 13 世紀開始,記錄中國的文獻。 和我所學的中國歷史兩相對比之下,真的非常有趣。例如,清朝在中國的傳教士 記錄中國人是缺乏神經系統的,因為他們能夠忍受酷刑而不喊痛。因此,當代的百科全書就記錄著:「中國人沒有神經,但還有待我們進一步研究。」我認為他們邏輯很奇怪:因為如果中國人真不怕痛,那對罪犯施行這些酷刑有何意義呢? 


ASC300 課程大綱:

    This course will examine the nature and scope of these historically changing attitudes by following two popular movements which have deeply influenced North American popular culture: Buddhism and Asian martial arts. We will first develop a theoretical foundation by briefly exploring such concepts as orientalism, foundational myths, transnationalism and globalism, and then consider the place of Buddhism and martial arts in Asia. 
    However, most of our discussion will focus on what Buddhism and martial arts represent in the West, both historically and at present. The course will include scholarly readings and source texts dealing with Buddhism and Asian martial arts to develop an understanding of those two movements in Asia in addition to articles and video clips examining how Buddhism and Asian martial arts moved into North American society and their present-day significance. Some of the questions we will consider in the class are:

• What was the common understanding of Buddhism and martial arts before WWII?
• What kind of “dialogues” occurred that allowed Buddhism and Asian martial arts to become part of North American culture?  
• In what ways have cross-cultural influences developed new forms of Buddhism and martial arts?  
• What new popular mythic views are now established in Western society around Buddhism and martial arts? 
• How do Buddhist movements and Asian martial arts contribute to stereotyping of Asians and to promoting cross-cultural understanding?

對這堂課授課內容很有興趣嗎?請見西方媒體揭露的中國形象 課程大綱

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